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Martial Arts Instructional Booklet Published by the Vih Mei Book Company in Hong Kong

See Our Teachers

  • • Adolf Thou Brown
  • • Agustian Supriatna
  • • Amit Miglani
  • • Bex Tyrer
  • • Byron de Marse
  • • Candice Halliday
  • • Caspian Burrell
  • • Carlos Romero
  • • Cat Kabira
  • • Chris Fox
  • • Eka Kailash
  • • Ellie Freestone
  • • Emily Kuser
  • • Greg Kaps
  • • Hayden Pelting
  • • Jane Anthony
  • • Juliya Light
  • • Kamau Abayomi
  • • Katherine Girling
  • • Lawrence Jay
  • • Madeira
  • • Malaika MaVeena Darville
  • • Malika
  • • Marcus
  • • Marlia Coeur
  • • Nadine McNeil
  • • Noel Bernhardt
  • • Ni Fabricated Murni
  • • Paul Teodo
  • • Punnu Singh Wasu
  • • Persia Juliet
  • • Sasha Gautama
  • • Seba
  • • Shervin Boloorian
  • • Sheryl Sharaswhaty
  • • Tina Nance
  • • Tanya Kaps
  • • Thofan
  • • Wakuha
  • • Wayan Viqtim
  • • Winé Pramiyanti

Adolf Thou Brown - U.s.

Qi Gong

Adolf Brown

Adolf began his studies of internal martial arts afterwards a Tai Chi workshop with Al Wong in 1979. He explored several internal martial arts systems, only was never really captured until he discovered Ba Gua Zhang in 1999. Under the tutelage of internal martial genius Vince Blackness, D.O.Yard. at the North American Tang Shou Tao school in Tucson, AZ, Adolf studied Ba Gua Zhang and other internal styles including Qi Gong. He has been teaching Qi Gong at the Yoga Barn in Ubud, Bali for over nine years.

After struggling for many years with a astringent arthritic condition that limited his ability to exercise martial arts, Adolf focused on Qi Gong for cocky-healing. "My physical limitations forced me into a deeper understanding of moving with qi and using qi for self-healing."

Adolf's teaching style is relaxed and fun, while simultaneously beingness focused and precise. He combines his knowledge of anatomy, bodywork, articulation manipulation, craniosacral therapy and acupuncture to give his teaching a unique level of depth.

Adolf currently practices Craniosacral Therapy, Applied Kinesiology and Nutritional Medicine, equally well as didactics Qi Gong, at the Yoga Befouled, Ubud, Bali.

Bank check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Agustian Supriatna - Republic of indonesia

Sound Healing

Agustian Supriatna

Agustian Supriatna is a multitalented artist and musician. Born in the deep jungle of Lampung in 1981, he came from a traditional healer lineage connected to the nature and wildlife of Sumatra island. Being chosen as a healer from a immature age, he defended himself to be in the service of his village's people. Everything he learned was passed on to him from his grandfather, the legendary elderly healer Datuk Raja Jaksa.

In his late teens, he made a big decision - he wanted to exist a painter. So, he paused his journey to become a healer to focus on finding himself and fulfilling his dream of condign an artist. He started the path of educational activity himself by exploring a broad variety of artistic expressions such as cartoon, painting, sculpture, and music. Along the style, he establish his vocalization and became successful in international art scenes for his musical talents.

Over a 20-years journey of self-development, Agustin claimed back his legacy as a healer and began using sound to heal others. Through music, he found the soulful media to invite people onto their own personal healing journeying.

Agustian has constitute that music is the all-time media to aqueduct his heritage every bit a healer also as sharing his art and heart, to everyone open up and willing to dive into themselves.

Check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Amit Miglani - U.s. / India

Hatha, Yoga Therapy, Iyengar, Wing High, Yoga Philosophy, Pranayama & Meditation, Reiki and Thai Yoga Massage

Amit Kumar

Amit has a zest for living life with joy, love, and wonder. Born into a family where bhakti yoga is a daily ritual, yoga has e'er been a strong influence in his life. After sustaining injuries from a collision with a motorcycle, he resorted to yogic do as a natural path to recovery and a means to strengthen his mind, focus and awareness. The therapeutic benefits and healing ability of yoga inspired him to leave his corporate career in NYC and pursue advanced preparation in Ashtanga, Hatha, Iyengar and Pranayama in Rishikesh, India. His passion is to share his knowledge and help others detect clarity, warmth and ability within themselves.

His classes are kind, fun and transformational every bit he creates an environment for cocky-healing to happen. Amit has studied various modalities of yoga and focuses his personal practice on kriya yoga and meditation, as taught by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. He is a Yoga Brotherhood RYT-500 certified instructor and a Reiki Grand Main.

Teaching at the Yoga Barn since 2018, Amit has a wonderful ability to pass down Yogic wisdom to his students in means that are tangible to modern times.

Bank check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Bex Tyrer - Scotland

East-RYT 500
Vinyasa Flow, Restorative, Acroyoga, Morn Flow, Yoga Activism (Likewise teaches Hatha, Ability Yoga, Yin and Thai Yoga Body Work)

Bex Tyrer

Scotland born and raised, and Oxford educated with a graduate caste, MPhil in Development Studies, Bex Tyrer has been Asia-based for the by thirteen years, where she has lived her passion for Yoga and yoga activism. The most influential factor to shaping her teachings existence the intensive exposure to thousands of unlike practitioners and shared perspectives of yoga. Her commitment to sharing Yoga touching beginners to advanced yoga teacher trainee students from all over the world.

Yoga's adaptability and diversity has led Bex to dive deeper into a more academic orientated study of both the history and philosophy of yoga. Her study of women in yoga'southward history, likewise as her years of observations in the studio has also led her to heighten important questions every bit to the ability of contemporary yoga to back up women'southward health and self-esteem. Bex uses her platform to explore some of the critical issues of contemporary yoga (including bug of inclusivity, gender and the dangers of commodification) whilst working to ensure that postural yoga is supportive of women's health as well equally social and environmental justice.

Bex has had the privilege of beingness guided past some swell teachers including Angela Farmer, Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, Denise Payne and Marking Whitwell.

Bank check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Byron de Marse - USA

Power Yoga, Vinyasa

Byron de Marse

Byron taught for many years at the world-renowned Bryan Kest'south Ability Yoga studio in Santa Monica, California. He accumulated the bulk of his over 10,000 hours of teaching experience there.

Built-in and raised on a cattle ranch in Oklahoma, Byron was raised to believe that simplicity is a central component of happiness. Information technology was instilled from an early on age the benefits of hard work and bailiwick.

Later on losing his father at 17 and experiencing a traumatic spiral of events through his adolescent years, Byron turned to yoga.

As a onetime athlete, yoga immediately spoke to Byron's physical nature. And as a boy who was raised in a pocket-size town, yoga confronted deep mental conditioning. All the same somehow the practice felt familiar. Similar he was home. Yoga became his church, his therapy, his gym, and his abode away from dwelling house.

During practice Byron institute himself confronting fears, connecting with truth, and prioritizing his life purpose. Inwardly, he was in constant negotiation of how free he wanted to be. His heed was becoming more resilient, his trunk more adaptable, and his heart primed for a perpetual rebirthing.

He was speedily waking up and the call to help others was louder than every lark. It was his time to share the miracle of yoga and to practice it in a manner that optimizes and speaks to our full human potential.

In his classes, he began to structure his sentences and pattern sequences carefully and compassionately. He knew that if he could tap into a person's want to turn their mind off long enough for the yoga to work then it might change their life.

Byron'south guidance has adult into a method of precision cueing and verbal support that encourages people to explore their edges while connecting to one's heart. His classes are artistic emanations of his journey on this planet cultivated from rich life experiences. They are designed to elevator you upwards and trust life

Check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Candice Halliday

Himalayan Kriya Yoga, Meditation
Intuitive Wellness Motorbus

Candice Halliday

Candice's background started with 17 years of Movement, dance and dramatic arts, She is a creative erstwhile soul that shines a lot of light. She immersed herself into a journey of Deeper self-expansion And self discovery through various spiritual practices, meditation techniques and healing modalities, which has lead her to a college path of himalayan kriya yoga, evolving forth the path of 'Sampoorna Shakti Vidya' under the guidance of Peewee sanchez and Dr Pradeep Ulllal.

Candice holds space with Shamanic influences, and her classes/workshops focus on cocky love, assuasive people to let go of drama and baggage. Removing stagnation and blocked energy points, decorbonizing the man blood and preventing decay of tissues, while restoring rest and harmony to the physical, mental, emotional, casual and astral bodies and allowing cocky realisation, remembrance and love to catamenia.

Candice has lived in Bali for several years and began offer Himalayan Kriya and Meditation classes at the Yoga Befouled in December, 2020.

Check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Caspian Burrell - UK

RYT 200
Acro Yoga, Hatha, Vinyasa, Restorative, Nidra, Mindful and Menstruum

Caspian Burrell

His teaching manner is precise, focussed, and besides personal as he likes to care for each student with private attention and aid them work on specific areas of the practice that is unique to their struggles. He is also at-home, funny and relaxed in his teaching, inviting questions and word when appropriate.

Ultimately his focus within his teachings is ever on the students, y'all tin can see this in his ain words:
"Equally a yoga teacher, my greatest want and goal is to help each educatee find the knowledge and answers they seek, and with that the confidence to achieve their motion goals and aims. I prefer to ask the correct questions of students, and teach them how to learn, how to think and feel in their bodies, and in doing and so find their own beautiful revelations."

Before condign a full-fourth dimension yoga teacher Caspian was a professional person Aerospace Engineer, designing components for Aeroplanes and Formula 1 race cars. He understands what it's like to live in a high-stress part environment, and loves to help people reconnect with their bodies and minds through yoga.

Check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Carlos Romero - Venezuela

E-RYT 500
Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, AcroYoga & Thai Yoga Massage


Carlos Romero is a Surfyogis' devoted Yoga instructor, who has been immersed in the journey of self-exploration through Yoga for over the concluding 15 years.

Subsequently finishing his first Yoga Instructor Training in Sivananda Divine Life Society Schoolhouse (2002) he has continued to deepen his Yoga do and aggrandize the scope of his studies in Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Jivamukti, Dharma Mittra Yoga, Anusara, Yin and Embodied Flow. In 2005, he became a Thai Yoga Massage therapist and continued his exploration and studies into other forms of movement & healing. He discovered AcroYoga in 2010, and has since defended to share this practice to explore connectedness and confidence for all those who feel the dazzler of combining yoga, acrobatics & healing arts.

The Essence of Carlos's teaching is to bring joy, inspiration and ancient wisdom from different arts into one. Come feel yoga equally a cute way to celebrate life and to comprehend the spirit which manifests inside.

Carlos spends well-nigh of his time in Bali "The Island of Gods", sharing the path of Yoga & Healing Arts at The Yoga Befouled. He offers ongoing classes, workshops, immersions and retreats, surrounded by Bali Elation.

Cheque out our daily schedule for all classes.

Cat Kabira - USA

East-RYT 500
Core Power, Subtle Energy, Yin, Yoga Nidra and more

Cat Kabira

"True cat is ane of a kind: playful, energetic, intuitive, captivating, fully nowadays, devoted. Something in True cat cracks your soul open, asks your inner-cocky to get deeper within and then lets your magic happen. "
Jan B, Boston, Yoga Teacher

Known as a Teacher's teacher, True cat Kabira southward a world-renowned Yoga instructor trainer and Master of the Subtle and Shamanic Energetics Arts.

Originally from the U.s., Cat moved to Bali more than 15 years agone where she helped launch Ubud's beginning Yoga Studio, known as BaliSpirit Studio at the fourth dimension, which somewhen transformed into what is known equally The Yoga Barn of today.

Cat started on the yogic path at the age of 17 looking for a mode to heal her own history of abuse, eating disorders, and feminine power.

Over the past 2 decades, Cat has studied under many masters in several traditions of yoga, movement, energy piece of work and shamanism. She has been sharing the magical gifts that she'south made her own both in Bali, and globally, all this time. Equally a result of her own healing journeying and continued studies, Cat has found a niche specializing in helping others to heal from eating disorders, trauma and abuse with the aim of owning one's purpose.

Cat is known for teaching those who experience a 'heightened sensitivity to energy' ways to manage their own energy and how to work in the healing arts, alongside others. As a primary teacher in her niche, True cat also works with other yoga teachers on how to work with energy likewise equally refined body movement.

Cat is the Yoga Instructor Trainer and Creatrix of Yoga Energetics, Founder and Creatrix of Kabira Energetics and Founder and Creatrix of The Kabira Schoolhouse of Energy.

Cat has been a long term member of The Yoga Barn faculty, teaches occasionally, and offers private sessions, Vision Quests, Yoga and Energy Workshops, Retreats, Teacher Trainings globally.

Check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Chris Trick - Sweden

500 RYT
Yinyasa, Yin, Fox Method Movement Passenger vehicle

Chris Fox

Chris Fox is a movement alchemist and Mobility Specialist trained in Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) within the Functional Range Systems (FRS). He moved to Bali in 2016 and has been teaching yoga and motion passionately ever since.

He guides classes, workshops, immersions, retreats and 300hr teacher trainings with his Trick Method as a fun, functional, and challenging way with focus on simplicity and curiosity. His primary focus is for you to move better and to feel amend, and aid you make your body smarter to exist able to do all the things yous love to do - every day!

Chris teaches people how to create freedom of movement, embodied self-awareness, and getting lost in the depth of your own experience. He is passionate about exploring modern movement combined with both technical and poetic cues, felt with presence, breath and connection to your whole being, and how this will enrich your yoga practice and movement awareness both on and off the mat.

He is passionate about connecting securely through physical sensation combined with mod biomechanics, where critical thinking, free expression and simplicity of movement are met with liberty in its essence. Seeing motion as a poetic exploration, Chris guides from the heart and invites the individual expression to be fix free and be shared in the collective free energy we create!

Check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Eka Kailash - Bali, Indonesia

EYT 500
Hatha Flow

Eka Kailash

Eka'south mission is to span the E and the West through arts, science of meditation and functional movements. Equally a native Balinese, Eka has practiced Yoga as part of his daily routine since he was trivial. In addition to internationally teaching Yoga and meditation, Eka has been a resident teacher at Bali's leading Yoga centre, The Yoga Barn, for more than a decade. He is also an experienced Craniosacral therapist. His passion for anatomy, fascia studies, Yin Yoga, and body works has led him to study with Jo Phee and Joe Barnet, the senior assistants of Paul Griley's (the founder of Yin Yoga). To accelerate his expertise, he also has been trained under the supervision of the world's leading fascia and beefcake researchers, such as, Antonio Stecco, Jaap van der Wal, Gil Hedley, John Sharkey, Robert Schleip, and Daniel Keown. Bated from the Yoga'southward world, Eka holds a Main's Degree in Media from the renowned Scripps College of Communication, Ohio Academy and has the prestigious Fulbright scholarship in his pocket. In his free fourth dimension, he enjoys singing with his band and baking. Recently, he has been thinking about doing a stand-up one-act to aqueduct his passion in storytelling and sharing with others.

Bank check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Ellie Freestone - Commonwealth of australia

500 E-RYT
Morn Flow, Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Restorative, Yoga Nidra, Pregnancy Yoga

Ellie Freestone

Originally from Commonwealth of australia, Ellie Freestone is an International Yoga Alliance 500hr E-RYT who has been practicing yoga from the age of 12, and instruction from the age of xviii.

As it does for many people, Yoga presented itself to Ellie at a profound crossroads and gently guided her towards a more conscious and aligned direction for the hereafter.

Over the years, Ellie has completed multiple trainings in Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Women'south Therapy, Yoga Nidra & Hatha with specific refinements in Pranayama and Meditation.

In 2017, Ellie made a decision to listen to her heart and movement to Bali, where she has lived e'er since, and is currently instruction at classes, workshops and Yoga Teacher Trainings at the Yoga Barn.

Ellie is passionate near pedagogy the essence of what yoga really is - beyond the physical postures.

In her classes Ellie will share with y'all how to use the tools and techniques of Yoga to achieve within and attend the best within yourself.

Check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Emily Kuser - Tucson, AZ, USA

Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Somatics and Integrated Sexuality
500 E-RYT

Emily Kuser

Emily Kuser is an innovative educator, an advocate of women's health, and the founder of High Vibe Yoga, which has over 500 graduates in 30 countries. She is committed to presenting spirituality, sexuality, psychology, and philosophy in a new and honest light. Emily is known for 'shaking things up' and bringing in globe-class international teachers for her courses. She provides Hatha Yoga & Meditation Trainings, Women's SelfCare Trainings, as well every bit a Sexual activity, Death, and Wealth Training. She has a natural talent for establishing warm and welcoming learning spaces that are both transformative and fun. Classical Tantra, Hatha Yoga, Somatics, and Integrated Sexuality have all had a potent influence on her work. Emily teaches globally and resides in Bali, her abode of over fourteen years.

Bank check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Greg Kaps - Canada

East-RYT 500
Hatha Yoga, Kirtan, Kundalini, Meditation, Vinyasa Menstruum, Yoga Nidra

greg kaps

Greg is a sensitive, creative and globe conscious spirit by nature. When he found yoga, it was like coming domicile. Greg spent years traveling and educational activity worldwide, taught over nine,000 public classes, leads international workshops, trainings, and maintains a devoted self do and delivery to personal inquiry and growth.

Rooted in Classical Hatha, and influenced past many styles and beloved gurus; his classes are fun, focused, and very naturally flowing; lightheartedly exploring and embracing our shared humanness. Greg is also a seasoned and passionate musician and Kirtanist, having atomic number 82 charity Kirtans for years. Don't be surprised if you notice yourself in a "cirque de soliel" pose one infinitesimal, then busting over in ridiculous group laughter or a beatific a singalong the adjacent! Greg as well brings pranayama and meditation into each form providing a truly counterbalanced, grounded and holistic experience.

Greg'south electric current philosophy: "Life is a Divine Leela (play); Let's embrace our differences, support each other through the challenges, larn how to express joy at ourselves, and accept gratitude for the gift of life around us."

Greg teaches the following yoga styles: Hatha, Kirtan, Kundalini, Meditation, Power, Pranayama, Restorative, Tibetan Centre, Vinyasa, Yin, Yoga Nidra.

Om shanti

Check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Hayden Rain - Aotearoa New Zealand

Due east-RYT 200
Yin, Hatha, Vinyasa, Acroyoga, Meditation

hayden rain

Across the styles, Yoga is a journey of self-discovery - a journey integrating the middle, trunk, and heed.

Strongly grounded in the physical and the present feel, Hayden's classes are open to the fullness of our human experience equally spiritual beings. He teaches from the centre to the individual; whether you're in a course, workshop, teacher training, or private session - he inspires everyone to discover their own practice, your own unique contact with the divine. He aspires to hold a space that is inclusive, trauma aware, and welcome to all.

Hayden was raised in a large family close to nature, where kindness was the highest value. He worked in structure while pursuing a Biology degree in Conservation Ecology, and spent many years in the woods studying the natural globe. A youth of martial arts practice and Buddhist meditation led him to Yoga in the mid-2000s, where he constitute grounded, practical techniques for bringing more peace and awareness into daily life. A want to help people led Hayden to share the practices that can help bring so much joy, ease and growth.

Hayden's teachings are inspired by the world around usa, and the world within. He is blessed to be influenced by his teachers Bex Tyrer, Thich Nhat Hanh, Mark Whitwell, Jo Phee, and his parents Lyall & Louise.

Check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Jane Anthony - U.s.a.

200 Eastward-RYT, Venus Ascension Assoc for Transformation: Shamanic Breathwork Certified Facilitator

Jane Anthony

Jane is passionate about facilitating others to (re)discover their own inner guide & healer. Her grounded and embodied arroyo to spiritual practices allows y'all to dive deep into cocky-discovery and transformation.

For over 20 years, Jane led a more traditional work life, most recently running international non-profit organisations. Facing burnout, chronic disease and a growing sense of dissatisfaction with life, Jane left everything behind and immersed herself in healing practices that would eventually relieve her body and spirit. She now offers the modalities that led to her greatest transformation to others.

Jane is a Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator and Shamanic Government minister, certified with the Venus Ascension Clan for Transformation. She is also a Shamanic Astrologer, Principal Level Reiki Practitioner, Avant-garde Theta Healer, Detox & Cellular Regeneration Practitioner and has completed a 200-hr YTT with the Alignment Center. Each of these practices focus on awakening your own inner shaman and healer at all levels, physically, mentally and spiritually. It is Jane'south greatest joy to serve as a guide back to your own inner knowing.

While somewhat distant memories her qualifications in psychology, counselling, teaching and behaviour analysis all besides inform her approaches today; alchemised in new ways to offer a rubber space for people to dive deeply into their transformation.

Check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Juliya Light - Russia

E-RYT 500
Vinyasa, Hatha, Yin, FlyHigh, Nidra, Tantra, Restorative & Sound Healing

Juliya Light

Juliya Light's yoga roots are from Tibetan Alternative Medicine School of Parapsychology "Wu-Wei". In the Egyptian Desert of the Sinai Peninsula, she mastered Shivananda Indian traditions from Dharamsala with Gaby Anjali. After her eye brought her to Bali to go certified in Hatha-Vinyasa Flow Styles YTT and she became a registered Yoga Brotherhood Trainer.

After several years of teaching and exercise, Juliya went to India to written report Advanced Vinyasa and Yin Chinese Medicine YTT, which helped her with relaxation skills and releasing sometime traumas.

She so returned to Bali to the Traditional Tantra training, following Patanjali lineage with Octavio Salvado. Afterwards, she got her "wings" to become a Wing High, Acro Yoga and Aerial Silks practitioner instructor with José Luis Jiménez.

Juliya Lite continues her yoga adventure off the mat every twenty-four hour period and tries to experience joy in everything around her.

Through her classes, Juliya loves sharing her passion for life and yoga with everyone.

Check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Kamau Abayomi

kamau abayomi

Kamau Abayomi is an interdisciplinary creative person, mystical arts curator and soulful guide. Kamau's arts flow from 25 years of integrated, experiential wisdom rooted in 'Way of One' principles, ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) cosmology, taoism and wabi sabi philosophy. He is a graduate of the 'Gateway Voyage' consciousness studies program, at the globe renown Monroe Institute and is a certified White Tiger Qi Gong instructor. Kamau has received Harvard University certification in the study of scriptural Buddhism. For the last 10 years he has been the director of Live Mysteries fine art curations. Kamau is besides an laurels-winning choreographer, 2x international poetry slam champion, author of a novel and a poetry volume and an internationally touring DJ and recording artist.

Check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Katherine Girling

Due east-RYT 500 / YACEP
Hatha, Vinyasa & Meditation

Katherine Girling

Katherine is an educator with a passion for science, move and man potential.

Her spiritual journey began every bit a teenager, with an intensive practice in martial arts, leading to 25+ years of training in yoga and meditation.

She earned a Masters caste in Environmental Engineering science, and has lived and worked abroad for the past two decades.

In 2013, Katherine left the corporate earth, co-founded Zuna Yoga® and moved to Bali, where she lives and teaches total time. As the visitor's Director and Master Trainer, she has led over 50 intensive yoga and meditation instructor trainings. Her manner of facilitation is both potent and soulful, intellectual and intuitive. She has guided thousands of wonderful students from around the world through these life-enriching programs.

Her instruction is influenced by an intensive report of Tantric Hatha, Integral Anatomy, Anatomy Trains®, Yoga Tune Up®, Yin and Restorative, Yoga Nidra, Embodiment and Thai Yoga Massage.

Check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Lawrence Jay - Canada

500 Eastward-RYT
Vinyasa, Power, Conditioning, Hot Yoga, Breathwork

Lawrence Jay

Canadian born, Lawrence Jay (LJ) has been practicing yoga for ii decades and education for virtually 15 years. His experience includes being kinesthesia at the most prominent international yoga studios.

Currently residing in Bali, Lawrence Completed his kickoff instructor training in 2007 with PureYoga Hong Kong's founding teacher, Patrick Creelman.

Since and then, LJ has completed thousands of hours of preparation with some of the nearly respected teachers in the world, such as: John Friend, Ana Forrest, Andrey Lappa, Tara Judelle, Schyler Grant, breathwork with Wim Hof, anatomy studies with Ellen Heed, and craniosacral work with Hugh Milne.

Lawrence opened Russia'due south commencement official Hot Yoga Studio in 2013, where he learned to speak Russian fluently and resulted in him becoming i of Russia's virtually popular teachers in Russia.

Before Russia, LJ had likewise previously traveled the world and taught at Bali's Yoga Barn, at YYoga in Vancouver, Pure Yoga in Hong Kong, Ability Living in Commonwealth of australia, and Equinox fitness in the USA.

An experienced teacher, LJ'south classes focus on creating a deep connection to self, using dynamic move that focuses on alignment and creative exploration. Cocky-expression through yoga, breathwork, and meditation.

Lawrence has spent fourth dimension coaching all levels of physical ability, from 9-5 role workers, to professional athletes, creating programs that sharpen concentration, discipline, physical longevity and most chiefly, quality of life.

Check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Sugeng "Madeira" Prasetyo - Republic of indonesia

Capoeira / Martial Arts / Dances / Yoga


Praised as a star child for embodying motility as his life expression, Madeira started his capoeira journey since 2000 later on a lifetime passion in martial arts. He has been one of the instrumental pioneers in developing the Capoeira movement and bringing it to the forefront of the masses in Indonesia.

Professor of Grupo Senzala Capoeira, following the guidance of his teachers Mestre Gato and Mestre Pedro. Madeira has more than ten years educational activity feel and is the Founder of Capoeira Republic of indonesia Clan " Satu Capoeira" . Having opened 12 schools in Indonesia, he never stops developing and sharing his passion and skills with others. With his profound knowledge based in martial arts, dance, beefcake and capoeira he has craftily created his very own unique ways and techniques of teaching. He's been learning and sharing all over Asia, Russian federation and Brazil.

In 2011 he founded the Syena Martial Arts Heart in Jakarta and is a practitioner of many forms of Martial Arts.

Since 2003, Madeira is also a professional person dancer and performer; focusing on teaching salsa and latin dances for all levels.

Madeira is a devoted yoga practitioner, completing his 200 hours YTT with Denise Payne and Bex Tyrer in 2014. He shares all his combined talents and knowledge to a wider audition.

Check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Malaika MaVeena Darville - Canada

Elemental Yoga, African Dance, Cacao Ceremony

Malaika MaVeena Darville

A Global Movement facilitator with Shamanic, Tantric Earth Goddess roots, Malaika is of Canadian Jamaican Ancestry who spent years living amidst different indigenous cultures from Africa & Australia to South America.

Malaika brings a wealth of Earth wisdom for personal and planetary enkindling having walked the Shamanic path for a lifetime dedicated to creating sacred space in ritual and ceremony embodying ancient wisdom and creating relevant ceremonies for our gimmicky people to assist restore balance.

Malaika has been dancing and practicing yoga for over 18 years. She combines her background in Elemental Shamanic Earth Wisdom, ISHTA Yoga, Tantra & Ayurveda, 5 Elements with her love ot African Rythym to provide her students with tools for joy, self-transformation and awakening.

Malaika has regularly taught individual and grouping classes in Commonwealth of australia, Bali, Canada, Hawaii and Sri Lanka. Her pedagogy style is unique and encourages full body awareness, builds core strength, cultivating grace and beauty to overflow into one'southward life, while bringing the private deeper inside to a still signal of inner contentment and connection with the Divine.

Check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Malika - Nihon

RYT 200
Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa


Malika Studied Hatha Yoga with the guru of OKI yoga for 4 years in Japan. Her Yin Yoga do is based on studies with Hiroshi Motoyama. A deeper connexion with the torso led her to study Buddhist Medicine in Kyushu, Nihon where she was trained in Moxa handling. Nature is already complete and inner balance is the primal to unlocking the natural healing powers that reside in the body. Bali has influenced Malika'due south healing techniques too every bit her holistic approach to treatments which meet individual needs.

Through body motility she is exploring the deeper realms of nature's creative free energy. In this globe of changes and transformations, our ability to connect securely with ourselves will shape our sense of harmony with our surrounding. Malika's path has revealed to her a new level of beingness and a complete new approach to Yoga that she is at present sharing with the world.

Check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Marcus (I Wayan Wistika) - Bali, Indonesia

Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Power Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Intro to Yoga


Born in Tabanan and Bali-raised, Marcus has been practicing Yoga and Meditation for over 26 years and since that time has learned different styles of Yoga from international teachers worldwide.

Marcus became certified by Vibrant Living Yoga School International Yoga Alliance in 2006 and has connected his teaching do ever since, specializing in Vinyasa, Hatha, Ability Yoga and Intro to Yoga.

Over the years Marcus has developed his ain unique manner using his attentiveness, positive energy, strength, and fun, adapting his teaching for students of all levels.

Marcus Wistika has taught overseas and all over Bali in locations ranging from luxury 5 Star Hotel and Resorts, Private Villas and continues to teach exclusively at The Yoga Befouled Ubud.

Yoga has become his way of life.

Check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Marlia Coeur - Cyprus

Sound Oracle, Song Activator

Marlia Coeur

Marlia Coeur is a sound oracle, a vocal activator & facilitator of human potential expressed through the voice.

As a Music Academy coordinator, devotional singer and multi-instrumentalist, she helps people who are disconnected from their phonation learn how to express their true voice with purpose and clarity through intentional animate & song encouragement, then they can fully connect to their hearts.

She has journeyed effectually the world on back-to-back music tours, offer live performances, improvisation experiences, high-energy workshops and immersive retreats. With a growing festival presence, she is a powerful voice in the world of 'Ceremonial/medicine music' and the rising global community of people who are committed to residing in harmony with the Earth.

Subsequently her deeper dives into the workings of the voice, under the guidance of Indian teachers and Bobby McFerrin's students such as Guillermo Rozenthuler, she is known for her circle singing facilitation, choral ensembles and RISING Phonation vocal activation workshops + retreats. In world music, spiritual & handpan festivals, she ordinarily creates improvisational sacred Experiences with other musicians, or generates a full-band sound using only her voice, a variety of instruments, and her loop pedal setup.

Residing in Bali for the last 2 years, the connection to vocal abracadabra has go even stronger, as she continues to railroad train people in private or group song activation sessions how to unlock their throat chakra and return to speaking their truth. Her new courses such as the 12-chakra frequency attunement and the Ascent Vox are now online and you lot can attend one of her Sophia Low-cal Sound Journeys on Thursdays at The Yoga Barn, or her upcoming retreat in Dec 2021.

Visit world wide and don't forget to check out "Marlia project" on social media such as Spotify + Facebook + Youtube + Soundcloud + Instagram

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Nadine McNeil - Jamaica

E-RYT 200
Gentle Yoga, Restorative, Vinyasa Flow, Yoga Nidra, Yoga with Free Weights

Nadine McNeil

Nadine McNeil's twenty-odd year career within the United Nations, serving at locations across the earth, is what guided her towards yoga, primarily equally a necessary tool for self-care while serving in volatile, conflict scenarios.

Her current mission includes designing and implementing a yoga module that specially supports those who tirelessly serve others through their daily work.

For over a decade she has deepened her cognition through consequent practice.

Devoted to the "democratization of yoga," she facilitates workshops to varying demographics, imploring yoga's rich benefits every bit a viable tool for peace; from a cellular to a global level.

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Noel Bernhardt - USA

Martial Arts Movement, Hatha, Vinyasa, Yoga with Weights, Beginners Yoga, Ecstatic Trip the light fantastic toe

Ni Made Murni

Noel invites y'all to come explore the subtle path of move, meditation and mind body awareness in means yous may have not felt earlier. Unlock the vast untapped potential of your true cocky while building listen, body and spirit awareness, inner strength, coordination and residual.

Noel has studied Martial Arts and Yoga since 2007 and is a certified White Crane Silat teacher, and a RYS 200hr & 500 60 minutes certified Yoga teacher from One Song Yoga School.

Come move, play, laugh, sweat and get inward on a journeying into pure presence.

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Ni Made Murni - Bali, Indonesia

Anusara, Hatha Yoga

Ni Made Murni

A true yogi, Murni experiences yoga from a perspective of devotion and self subject.

Born and bred in Gianyar, Bali, Murni has been a part of the BaliSpirit family since 2002 and the Yoga Barn its inception in 2007. Orginally plastered behind a desk-bound, focused on administration and Graphic pattern, Murni has morphed into an incredibly disciplined Yogi.

Murni's love affair with the practice of yoga started when she would drop into classes in betwixt her authoritative hours… over fourth dimension that has changed and at present Murni but works in between her hours of yoga practise.

A dedicated practitioner, Murni is likewise dedicated humanitarian. Aslope the co-founders of The Yoga Barn & the BaliSpirit Festival, Murni plays an active role as a volunteer instructor for the outreach programme, AYO! Kita Bicara HIV/AIDS, and HIV education plan aimed at Balinese Youth. Through "EduSpirit' workshops inclusive of journaling, part-playing, agile meditations and yoga, this program encourages awareness, give-and-take & understanding about the HIV/AID epidemic in Bali, how each teenager and their families are at chance and what they can do to be responsible about the spread of the disease.

Murni has passion for the challenges she faces on and off the mat, and the wisdom to employ that feel as a teacher. Murni'south classes are designed with purpose, are uplifting and offer something to students of every level.

Bank check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Paul Teodo – USA

Power, Vinyasa, Yin/Restorative, Meditation, Sound Healing

Paul Teodo

Paul Teodo is a yoga and meditation teacher and musician from Los Angeles. He received his 200HR certification through YogaWorks, and has worked in several principal studios in California. He was recently named the #one Yoga Teacher in Los Angeles by the Civilisation Trip.

Paul has a unique talent – he can teach a strong vinyasa class and also guide deep meditations with his alive music. His classes are distinctly masculine, while at the same time belongings infinite with sensitivity.

Paul has spent the last 6 years perfecting A Journey to Middle, his ain personal fusion of a mindfulness meditation and original pieces written on acoustic guitar. This is the foundation for his unique Guitar Meditation grade - a one-hour torso-browse meditation combined with alive acoustic guitar.

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Punnu Singh Wasu - Bharat

Meditation, Kirtan, Sound Healing, Holistic Healing incl. Reiki, Spiritual Courses & Counselling

Punnu Singh Wasu

Punnu was born and raised in Hyderabad, India into a family unit that has a true love for Kirtan (devotional music) and spirituality. He began studying harmonium and singing at the tender age of 5. At age 10, Punnu moved on to learning the Hindustani (Indian Classical Music) while traveling with his father throughout India singing the beautiful verses of Kirtan.

Nowadays he performs Kirtan, Xtatic Kirtan, Indian Fusion, Indian Classical music, Sufi, Bollywood music too equally Sound Healing around the world. He has his own Kirtan Academy and Sound Healing Academy. He likewise leads music workshops in combination with yoga & meditation and is co-founder of the "Bhakti Elation Fest" which is a festival in Switzerland of meditation, yoga, music & dance.

From an early on historic period, he was interested in learning and practicing yoga & meditation. He has studied with different masters in ashrams and meditation schools all over India, Philippines and Indonesia. Punnu shares his vast noesis and feel of more than 35 years in his meditation classes, workshops and trainings.

Punnu offers weekly classes of meditation, Kirtan and blissful sound healing journeys. He also leads 100hr & 200hr Meditation Teacher Training, 100hr Advanced Meditation Grooming, 50hr Yoga Nidra Teacher Preparation, Kirtan University, Audio Healing Training, Spiritual Awakening Courses and Reiki Grooming (level I - One thousand Master) regularly at The Yoga Barn. Furthermore, he offers daily a variety of holistic healing treatments including Reiki and spiritual counseling with over 30 years of rich feel.

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Persia Juliet

Eastward-RYT Gilded

Vinyasa, Yin Yoga, Meditation, Yin 100YTT & Theming Workshops for Yoga Teachers

Persia Juliet

Persia is a instructor trainer and retreat host with over 15yrs feel. She everything has been sharing Yoga since the twenty-four hour period she graduated her first YTT in 2005; From Vancouver, to Auckland, to Sydney, Ubud Bali is at present her home.

Persia's passion for teaching is profoundly influenced by meridians, chakras and energetic anatomy. Persia'south intention for every class is to sequence in a way that supports and harmonises the flow of Qi. While some practices may be stiff, the focus is on creating fluidity in the fascia rather than that of strengthening muscles.

While she loves smooth sequencing, her attention leans toward theming to topics such as the Deities, the Chakras, the Meridians and Astrology.

Since her beginning 350hr Yoga grooming in 2005, Persia has furthered her pedagogy with Businesswoman Baptiste, Les Leventhal, Ana Forrest, Sarah Powers and Jo Phee.

If y'all're looking for a rubber place to sigh, sweat, express joy and cry, then come to Persia's form.

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Sasha Gautama - Republic of indonesia


Vinyasa Flow, Ability Vinyasa and Yin Yang Yoga

Sasha Gautama

Sasha Gautama is an experienced Yoga Teacher who is registered with Yoga Alliance for the final 2 years.

Her passion in life is creating and living a healthy lifestyle through practicing yoga and fitness as well as eating healthy nutritious food. Sasha was born in Jakarta (Republic of indonesia), didactics in various studios and online. However, it was only in Bali that she knew yoga for the first time. Started out of curiosity, she ended up getting addicted to dynamic sequence of Vinyasa, Vinyasa Flow, Hatha, Ability Yoga. She enjoys incorporating meditation into her daily routine to ensure that she maintains the best physical, mental and emotional condition possible. Sasha is committed to providing skilful knowledge in the yoga field. She is currently pedagogy Vinyasa Flow, Power Vinyasa and Yin Yang Yoga.

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Sebastian Cuevas (a.1000.a. Sebatierra) - Chile

Sound Healing


Sebastian Cuevas a.thou.a. Sebatierra is a Chilean multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, music producer and sound healer based in Ubud.

Founder of several iconic bands from Chile, he has also collaborated with dissimilar national and international bands recording and producing, supporting healing music for more than 20 years, performing worldwide in several festivals.

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Shervin Boloorian

Meditation, Sound Healing, Kirtan

Shervin Boloorian

Born in Iran, Shervin Boloorian is Ubud's award winning vocal music artist and sound therapist, who in 2017 released a groundbreaking Sufi-inspired album "One with the Honey". Composed of original music and melodies inspired past Rumi's wisdom, the anthology builds cross-cultural understanding between Iran and the West to prevent disharmonize. His anthology launched a 13 country bout and was endorsed by Rumi bestseller, Coleman Barks.

To larn more,

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Sheryl Sharaswhaty - Indonesia

Acro Yoga / Vinyasa / Thai Massage

Sheryl Sharaswhaty

Originally from Bogor in West Java, Indonesia, Sheryl moved to Bali in 2012.

Shortly afterwards that, she started practicing yoga in Ubud, and during this process rediscovered the meditation and mantras her Indian grandfather taught her when she was immature.

Since then her exercise has connected to evolve. She spent two years learning Iyengar yoga, and later completed several trainings, including the One Song TT with Denise Payne & Bex Tyler, FlyHighYoga TT, Acro Yoga TT, Thai Massage and Expression of Yin TT with Carlos Romero and SOHA TT with Daniela Garza, including TCM and Mandala Vinyasa.

Equally Sheryl's experience grew she started assisting teachers in yoga trainings as well, and has been teaching both private and group yoga classes in Ubud and elsewhere since 2015. In 2019, she started teaching in-person and online teacher trainings.

Sheryl peculiarly loves vinyasa and mandala vinyasa, acroyoga and Thai massage. She loves to connect with people, and she continues to value the space that yoga creates to be present, sit nonetheless with herself, and dive deep into mind and breath.

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Tina Nance - Australia

Eastward-RYT 500
Yoga Therapy, Trauma-Informed Yoga, Restorative, Yin, Somatic Inquiry

Tina Nance

Tina Nance has been practicing Yoga for over 25 years and educational activity Yoga and Somatic Inquiry around the world since 2001, in classes, workshops, retreats and yoga teacher trainings. She has been a member of The Yoga Barn educational activity faculty since 2015.

Tina is deeply passionate about creating opportunities for people of all backgrounds to connect direct and experientially with their body-heed and Spirit via the Embodied Arts, & is the founder of The TNYT Yoga Therapy School & the somatic practice of Embodied Unwinding.

Tina'due south Yoga Therapy School runs 100hr Yoga Teacher Trainings in Yoga Therapy, Yin Yoga, Embodied Feminine Practices, Embodied Mindfulness Practices & Embodied Trauma Integration.

Tina works within the agreement that many of the contractions of the torso-mind, are a manifestation of an identification with thoughts and behaviors that are misaligned with the truth of who we are. Tina's apotheosis practices are focused on consciously unraveling these holding patterns inside our body-mind'south with guided transformative awareness. Cultivating the art of deep presence, compassionate holding, focused awareness and conscious jiff within each asana, exploring all eight limbs of yoga simultaneously, on the mat. Connecting to our innate essence as loving presence, containing & embracing all that arises, & inviting the Integration of body, listen and Spirit.

In recent years Tina has specialized in Yin Yoga & Mindfulness, and Yoga Therapy for Women's Wellness. Currently in response to all that she has learned in recovery from her ain battle & growth with trauma, Tina is at present passionately expanding into Embodied Somatic Trauma Integration practices including Peter Levine'south Somatic Experiencing & Trauma-Informed Yoga.

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Tanya Kaps - Canada

RYT 500
Vinyasa, Hatha

Tanya Kaps

Tanya Kaps has been education yoga full-time for 12 years, internationally throughout Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia. She teaches and practices with an integrated arroyo of the Hatha, Raja, Bhakti, Karma, and Jnana paths; her primary Hatha influences are derived from Anusara, Power/Vinyasa, and Yin. Tanya teaches the balance, integration and expression of both the masculine and feminine principles in our trunk-heart-mind-life practise. In improver to yoga, she has too been using freeform dance, and vocal as a natural spiritual practice as long as she can recollect. Through both yoga, freeform dance and singing, she has explored the employ of motility, breath, sound, and awareness to liberate energy, aggrandize consciousness, enable the 'direct experience of being' as a tool of revelation.

Philosophically and experientially, professionally, and personally, Tanya has dedicated her adult life to exploring the nature of consciousness and liberation equally it relates to the human experience in the times nosotros are living. Her inspiration and therefore instruction is infused with the perennial teaching: live with presence and with love in our heart, that we may see the divine in all beings, in i self, in all moments; as this is both the means and the ends of Cocky Realization.

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RYT 500


Thofan was introduced to yoga in 2015 at Yoga Barn and fell in honey right away. His intensive daily practice led him to a 200hr YTT scholarship from Emily Kuser (Loftier Vibe Yoga), that transformed his life. Since then, his mindset has changed. Yoga is no longer just a physical exercise, yoga is a way of life. He also plant that yoga is his dharma. In 2018 he started his new life as a yoga instructor.

Forth the way, Thofan also studies with teachers such as Mark Whitwell, Bex Tyrer, Tina Nance, Mei Lai Swan, Balsundra Srinatha (Mysore), and more. The combination of several teachers from different backgrounds created his uniqueness and enriched Thofan'south knowledge and experience in pedagogy.

Currently, mindfulness is his best choice for both practice and instruction. Mindfulness teaches Thofan to be more connected to his torso and mind as well to develop an awareness of himself: the best thing he found in yoga and life.

Check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Wakuha - Republic of indonesia

Tibetan Bowls Sound Meditation
Spiritual Guidance and Meditation


Wakuha ways a calling dorsum home to the true self.

An acclaimed spiritual guide for more than than 10 years, Wakuha has extensive feel leading clients on their spiritual journeys in search of answers.

Wakuha inherited the spirit of shamanism from her begetter. She started learning about spirituality and meditation at thirteen years old.

Wakuha left her successful corporate career in 2009 to pursue her spiritual calling and began to embrace her function as The Archangelic Shaman who can access all realms and dimensions.

Since 2011, Wakuha has been didactics at the Yoga Befouled where she shares her insights and wisdom from a constant quest for true liberty. Through Wakuha's guidance and meditative presence of channelling light and sacred energies, many clients have gone through enormous spiritual growth and deep transformations.

Be enlightened by the experience with Wakuha. Trust and allow her to guide y'all on a deeper spiritual journeying.

"May yous e'er observe ways to be who you are and live in your calorie-free, purity and truth." – Wakuha

Bank check out our daily schedule for all classes.

Wayan Viqtim - Indonesia

Wayan Viqtim

In 2012 Wayan Viqtim attended her first yoga grade and immediately vicious in love with yoga. During her busy job equally a infirmary nurse, she yet made time to keep taking yoga classes. Wanting fourth dimension to explore and deepen her do, she shifted to working in a clinic practice so she'd have more time to practice and learn. She completed her starting time 50 hour YTT @ The Bali Yoga Academy. From there she continued by earning her 200hr YTT from School Of Sacred Art, Bali, 300hr YTT from Rishikul Yogshala, India & 100hr YTT of Fly High Yoga, Bali.

Now Wayan teaches at various yoga studios in Bali. During a course she shares her sincere smile, generosity of spirit, and her passion for didactics and inspiring others.

Her devotion to the customs has manifested in founding the Sacred Mandala Yoga Shala, where she gives teachers and yoga practitioners the opportunity to teach and larn from each other with awareness and love.

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Winé Pramiyanti - Indonesia

Winé Pramiyanti

Winé is passionate about making yoga accessible for all and creating intuitive classes. Dynamic every bit they are flowing, her classes integrate strength with grace, and focus on conscious and steady breathing and movements.

Winé is a native Indonesian from Bandung, West Coffee. She earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts caste in Printmaking from Institute of Engineering Bandung. Ubud has been her home since 2005.

Yoga has been function of her life for over a decade, as well every bit torso movement, which is part of her daily practice. Women'due south wellness became an expanse of focus since the nascence of her children, inspiring her to nourish prenatal yoga training in 2010.

That same year, she founded and continues to lead karma yoga for expectant mothers at Yayasan Bumi Sehat, a gentle nascence centre based in Ubud. This program runs by donation merely and directly supports the non-profit dispensary.

She is certified yoga teacher (RYT-200) through the School of Sacred Arts in Bali. She holds additional certifications for yin and yoga nidra from Swara Yoga University in Thailand and prenatal yoga from Yoga Foliage Bandung.

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