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Book of Knowledge the Keys to Enoch

Goodreads Choice Awards 2021
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Oct 23, 2019 rated it did not like it
Biggest joke I've ever read! His science is fictional, his cultural knowledge of Egypt,the hebrews, and the Occidental belief system is so flawed it's laughable! Yet when you look there are no negative reviews? How do I know what I'm talking about? I have my doctorate in theology, and read ancient Hebrew, aramaic, hieroglyphics and demotic, classical Greek and sanskrit. He claims that he was transported to the Orion sector of the universe by no other than Enoch (Noah's dad) and somebody else by Biggest joke I've ever read! His science is fictional, his cultural knowledge of Egypt,the hebrews, and the Occidental belief system is so flawed it's laughable! Yet when you look there are no negative reviews? How do I know what I'm talking about? I have my doctorate in theology, and read ancient Hebrew, aramaic, hieroglyphics and demotic, classical Greek and sanskrit. He claims that he was transported to the Orion sector of the universe by no other than Enoch (Noah's dad) and somebody else by being converted into a type of light energy (lol) where he was given the keys to REVELATION by Enoch and Jesus,and Buddha (he doesn't say which Buddha) and many others. They gave him these 64 keys by putting them into him by his third eye! And then after he absorbed all of this science sic. They transported him back. Where he will teach you how to ascend as one of the 144,00 for the price of buying his book which is only $50( 64 pounds) . But you only have 33 years for this ascendance to happen but since he wrote the book on January 2,3,1973 you're out of luck lol. Yet he is going strong at the age of 79. Some of the plates I got the best laughs at where the pictures of the pyramids on Mars and he has Enoch writing on a scroll being dictated by christ himself! But someone forgot to tell him that Enoch wouldn't have known Hebrew as it was written thousands of years after his death (if he was alive at all) and Jesus spoke aramaic and the tora that he would have been familiar with did not have the dots and dashes that represent nouns (ancient Hebrew contains no voules except a) this book is a farce and should not be given any intellectual consideration! I tried to give this book a naught rating but it wouldn't let me save your money and buy Harry Potter, the science and theology are far better plus unlike this book, Harry is a good read. ...more
Jul 29, 2008 rated it it was amazing
Recommended to k8beeZ by: Willow Earth
This is deep! Great for divination. Very powerful. This book will cross your path when it is time for you to connect with it. No need to go out actively looking for it.
Jan 24, 2008 rated it it was amazing
: )
The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch is a paraphysical text or "code-book".

It is a text of higher consciousness experience which explains how the human race is connected with a more advanced higher evolutionary structure of universal intelligence. The linkage is made through 64 areas of future science, the basis of an ongoing study that is part of an ongoing program of human development, covering a wide spectrum of independent scientific confirmations.

The Keys of Enoch teaches us that a

: )
The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch is a paraphysical text or "code-book".

It is a text of higher consciousness experience which explains how the human race is connected with a more advanced higher evolutionary structure of universal intelligence. The linkage is made through 64 areas of future science, the basis of an ongoing study that is part of an ongoing program of human development, covering a wide spectrum of independent scientific confirmations.

The Keys of Enoch teaches us that a greater unity can and must occur between the scientific and spiritual pathways in order for the problems of Earth to be solved. Its ultimate purpose is the advancement of humanity, with the goal of changing our orientation so that we are prepared for a higher spiritual attunement and a quantum shift that will move humanity and the earth forward into the next step in our evolution.

An experiential read with a twist of the mystical Kabbalah.
: )

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: )

Keith Henry
Sep 09, 2009 rated it it was amazing
Difficult reading, but the information seems to effect not just the mind, butth spirit and other non-tangible senses. After reading this book I found a surge of creativity ang found myself in some very "transcendant" places! Difficult reading, but the information seems to effect not just the mind, butth spirit and other non-tangible senses. After reading this book I found a surge of creativity ang found myself in some very "transcendant" places! ...more

What a ride. Brilliantly fascinating, beautiful, familiar … disturbing at times (can one really be "malilluminated" ?? -- yes), and exhausting at times. Like all things of this nature, should definitely be read with discernment, which - happily - the speaker himself advises.

Much of the language, the vocabulary, is wonderful. The glossary is definitely a treasure trove of ideas. I was put off a bit by some terminology which can come across as elitist, possibly even divisive (some might say thi

What a ride. Brilliantly fascinating, beautiful, familiar … disturbing at times (can one really be "malilluminated" ?? -- yes), and exhausting at times. Like all things of this nature, should definitely be read with discernment, which - happily - the speaker himself advises.

Much of the language, the vocabulary, is wonderful. The glossary is definitely a treasure trove of ideas. I was put off a bit by some terminology which can come across as elitist, possibly even divisive (some might say this is the point), but I think this is more an issue of simply relying upon accepted/recognizable forms rather than actual heart-intent, as the overriding message is one of love, understanding, support, readiness, and grace. And this aspect of the message is profoundly, profoundly beautiful. So when I encountered words like "Elect," "Chosen," and "worthy," I replaced them in my mind with "ready" or "prepared"; replaced "bow" and "bend before" with "acknowledge" or "flow with"… sometimes even "surrender" ; ) …Enoch, with his understanding of fallen language forms, will forgive me, I am sure ; ) And, although other sources present similar scenarios for humanity in terms of current and future events, I do believe some of the more jarring aspects of the "program" have changed because of an unprecedented shift 'upward' in humanity's consciousness …?

Like other teachings of a gnostic nature, in many ways the book helped explain myself to myself ; | (Are you one who asks Why am I down here rather than simply Why am I here ; ) ? And, of course, I love the idea of the (re-)merging of science and spirituality. But this is enough for me for now. I feel a bit like Bilbo… "sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread." And from Enoch: " 'Man is doomed to perfection. ' And when you realize this, you will understand why the Father's House has Many Mansions" (176). This idea feels both beautiful and exhausting. … Has our electron evolved yet?

Velma Sampson
Feb 03, 2013 rated it it was amazing  · review of another edition
Recommends it for: Anyone seeking Spiritual Truths...seeking to know him/herself...
An amazing collection of writings that add so much more than is found in our current versions of the "Bible". So much was left out and so very much of that had to do with the Divine Feminine. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking more depth, more knowledge and more understanding.. An amazing collection of writings that add so much more than is found in our current versions of the "Bible". So much was left out and so very much of that had to do with the Divine Feminine. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking more depth, more knowledge and more understanding.. ...more
Kathy Peveler
Nov 17, 2011 rated it it was amazing
Read this book out loud it will activate your 12 strand DNA and you will feel it working in your head.
Dec 23, 2008 rated it did not like it
couldn't read it at all....too much new age garbage...I tried, but couldn't do it. Good handbook for a cult. couldn't read it at all....too much new age garbage...I tried, but couldn't do it. Good handbook for a cult. ...more
I sort of had an idea of what I was getting into with The Keys to Enoch. I first heard of this book, through a talk given by mathematician, Marko Rodin, from his Tesla Tech, 2010 conference.

I'm about 100 pages in or so, and so far the book has been very fascinating to me. I am still skeptical of the overall message, originality, and theme of this book, as I'm aware of the author's association with the so called: "Council of The Nine."

For info about this group, click link below:


I sort of had an idea of what I was getting into with The Keys to Enoch. I first heard of this book, through a talk given by mathematician, Marko Rodin, from his Tesla Tech, 2010 conference.

I'm about 100 pages in or so, and so far the book has been very fascinating to me. I am still skeptical of the overall message, originality, and theme of this book, as I'm aware of the author's association with the so called: "Council of The Nine."

For info about this group, click link below:

I'm reading this book with physics and mathematical spectacles on, and sorting out the lengthy New Age jargon. A common frustration I deal with in dealing with these sort of works. As someone who reads a lot of books about The Giza Pyramids (for example: Joseph Farrel's books), I am hoping to learn more about their possible function(s) from this book.

Anyway, I have about another 500 pages to dig through, before I come anywhere close to comprehension, let alone a proper review, on my part.

With that said, I will suspend further judgement until completion.

Apr 05, 2008 rated it it was ok
This fell into my hands one night (white spectral mirror) when I was staying at the foot of a tepuy in La Gran Sabana. The book guided a group, now disbanded, who (in loose terms) was waiting for a UFO/beings of light to descend onto the tepuy and invite them to ascend with them. The site was an alternative school while they waited for that special day. Apparently the ship never came-- I don´t know why-- and before the group broke up, they gave this book to the family I was staying with, since t This fell into my hands one night (white spectral mirror) when I was staying at the foot of a tepuy in La Gran Sabana. The book guided a group, now disbanded, who (in loose terms) was waiting for a UFO/beings of light to descend onto the tepuy and invite them to ascend with them. The site was an alternative school while they waited for that special day. Apparently the ship never came-- I don´t know why-- and before the group broke up, they gave this book to the family I was staying with, since the family follows Saint Germain and many of the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood are similar.

I understood maybe 1/15th of the half of the book I got through by candlelight, and I´d like to give it more time in the future. Of course, to understand more than 1/10th, I´m going to need a much stronger knowledge of physics and electronics.

Rafael Tellez Giron
Extraordinary book, really profound, revealing, non-linear (You dont need to read it from beginning to end, jump Chapters (Keys) as you feel it). No one in our modern times has get closer to Gods Revealing True!
Keith Smith
Jan 30, 2020 rated it it was amazing
Hiya, For those of you reading this I have some news that may well interest you? I am a healer and came across reference to this book in an "Eric Pearl The Reconnection" YouTube video back in 2014, then forgot about it, a few weeks later, after working on a fellow healer, she presented me with the book which she bought for £2.50 in a charity shop?? I accepted it, somewhat baffled by her gift and for six months attempted to read it? well as Eric Pearl points out, some of the things you cannot do Hiya, For those of you reading this I have some news that may well interest you? I am a healer and came across reference to this book in an "Eric Pearl The Reconnection" YouTube video back in 2014, then forgot about it, a few weeks later, after working on a fellow healer, she presented me with the book which she bought for £2.50 in a charity shop?? I accepted it, somewhat baffled by her gift and for six months attempted to read it? well as Eric Pearl points out, some of the things you cannot do with it is read it, or understand it! I put in the book rack and forgot about it!

The Sunday or 19/01/2020 I was hunting for something else and came across the book again, bemused I dug it out and threatened myself with trying to read it again, then went for some dinner, then my wife attempted to make me do the washing up, I snatched the book up and asked her to read a passage "out loud" from it where I had left off in 2014, Saying that if she could read it, understand it, the tell me what it was referring to I would do the washing up! she could not read it, something was stopping her? most odd! I grabbed the book and read page 184, paragraph 20 t0 21, out loud, the energy in the room changed dramatically and an entity arrived near our fireplace? What just happened she asked? nothing I replied, legging it to the kitchen and made a cup of tea.

Returning to the front room the visitor was gone and I spent a restless night mulling over what had happened? the following morning I visited a spiritual friend and asked her to examine the book? nothing out of the ordinary apart from its energy, I asked her to read the passage out loud, and again she could not?? I read it out loud and again the energy in the room changed, the visitor appearing next to her sink? What just happened she asked? Maurine, is an excellent medium but could not see him only feel his energy as I could, I got the couch ready for a healing session and our friend joined me through my back, such is the way of healing, I welcomed him and worked on Maurine for an hour or so, an excellent session with magnificent energy's, then returned home.

Later in the evening whilst alone, I deliberately read the phrase aloud with the intent of excepting whatever he had in mind for me, at this point an energy/ entity still within me built to an enormous level and just kept coming running for approx 90 mins, an attunement I know them as, my healing energy levels were incredible that evening and flat as a pancake the following morning, this is normal for me as my body adapts to the new energetic levels in and around me, its a healer thing, its now over a week later and I am still evolving internally, it remains to be seen what they have given me this time? but it feels big!

My conclusion after examining what little I have to go on is that the book is in someway spellbound? the book itself is actually the key to knowledge, and the triggering mechanism is the passage read out aloud, as above, for me it took three times before it activated? but that might be because I accidentally activated it twice? unknown? it might be that the book has more to offer but I have yet to feel ready to explore, interestingly the books energy went flat at the same time as I triggered the atttunement, it is now however beginning to hum to itself again, currently under my right elbow, for those who feel ready, follow my path above and see what you get? I would appreciate some info if you are successful?.....

Keith Smith

Aida Delgado
Nov 13, 2014 rated it it was amazing
A book to be read only when you are ready to acquire a higher level of consciousness. Is not a regular book to entertain yourself before you go to bed. Not for people with limited vocabulary or without any desire to be spiritual.
I had a psychic reading and angels told her that i needed to read this book.
Great reference book for the spiritual minded who are more scientifically inclined.
May 22, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: Seekers, Awakeners, Religious or Spiritual readers, the curious, vibration sound practitioners
Recommended to Annotaré by: ??

There isn't a middle road here. Even an open-mind will encounter a consciousness expansion. If you're "locked" into your belief...don't bother.

" room suddenly became full of...light,...a great being stood before me..." and from this encounter, described by J.J.. Hurtak in his Introduction, comes a most intriguing book of Lords and Masters, Angels; of Ursa Major & Minor, Polaris...a galaxy teeming with other beings engaged with humanity and planet Earth.



There isn't a middle road here. Even an open-mind will encounter a consciousness expansion. If you're "locked" into your belief...don't bother.

" room suddenly became full of...light,...a great being stood before me..." and from this encounter, described by J.J.. Hurtak in his Introduction, comes a most intriguing book of Lords and Masters, Angels; of Ursa Major & Minor, Polaris...a galaxy teeming with other beings engaged with humanity and planet Earth.

Much of YHWH lines up with Kaballah teachings. Some is backed with Bible, chapter and verse. There are chapters I read and had no understanding of the technically of physics, chemistry. Subjects and presentation requiring knowledge of these subjects.

Some chapters I just didn't compute, but again, I read understanding on some level of consciousness I was "getting it." Re-reads eventually level out in understanding.

Anyone in Solfeggio vibration sound tuning, chakra study will find references throughout the book. Those with a creative and imaginative mind will read other passages that could allude to sound vibration medical techniques.

YHWH is not focused toward any one religion or spiritual path. Keys is open-ended. You "get" it or you don't. You "believe" it or not. You will be curious, intrigued, surprised, shocked and down-right skeptical.

Readers with a background of religious or spiritual teachings, New Age readers (though I despise that terminology), Seekers, may find an interest in YHWH.

There is an investment in the book. I suggest reading reviews before buying the book. I doubt libraries shelve, but maybe. I just recommend you skim the book before making the investment. If you make the investment, from my wahwahwoowoo're ready for the information.

Ava Roth
Jan 20, 2017 rated it it was amazing
This is the most advanced enlightening life-changing complex and captivating book I've ever put in my hands. This is the most advanced enlightening life-changing complex and captivating book I've ever put in my hands. ...more
Any suggestions on we're a can get a good copy of this book for myself n my gf two would be ideal .. Any suggestions on we're a can get a good copy of this book for myself n my gf two would be ideal .. ...more
Marian Yee
Oct 08, 2009 rated it it was amazing
Revelations, ancient and on many linguistic and spiritual levels. Requires reflective thinking and approach many times to mentally digest the profound symbolic messages.
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Book of Knowledge the Keys to Enoch
